
My name is Ivan Kuznetsov. I am a programmer, and a Russian citizen. If you have slow computer program, probably I can help you make it faster! Let’s talk i@ivn.cx I stand for free Russia, free Belarus and peace for indivisible Ukraine.

Меня зовут Иван Кузнецов. Я программист и гражданин России. Если ваша компьютерная программа работает медленно, вероятно, я смогу помочь! Пишите i@ivn.cx Я за свободную Россию, за свободную Беларусь и за мир для неделимой Украины.

Some things that I recommend:

  1. Learn how to learn
  2. Mike Acton’s CppCon’14 talk
  3. Handmade Hero, Performance-Aware Programming
  4. Raylib


  1. The Witness
  2. TIS-100

Learn how to learn

Popular course by Barbara Oakley is enjoyable experience with great practical advice on learning new skills. Free weekly newsletter is helpful, even long after completing the course. https://www.coursera.org/learn/learning-how-to-learn

Another great resource for inspiration and advice is Dr. Richard W. Hamming’s lectures, particularly Intro to The Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn. Last lecture in the course is You and your research - a masterpiece. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AD4b-52jtos&list=PL2FF649D0C4407B30&index=1

Mike Acton’s CppCon’14 talk

Main topic is physical reality of computing (that’s where the title of this page comes from). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rX0ItVEVjHc

Handmade Hero

Modern computer game built in C from scratch (no libraries). Recorded on video, step-by-step. Over 600 episodes and counting. As an aspiring game programmer, I find it fascinating. https://handmadehero.org

I recommend to check out other Casey’s stuff, especially his Performance-Aware Programming course. https://www.computerenhance.com/p/welcome-to-the-performance-aware


A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming https://www.raylib.com

NOTE for ADVENTURERS: raylib is a programming library to enjoy videogames programming; no fancy interface, no visual helpers, no auto-debugging… just coding in the most pure spartan-programmers way.

The Witness

My favourite game, by far. http://the-witness.net

I follow it’s creator, Jonathan Blow, closely, as he works on a new game and a new programming language. https://www.twitch.tv/j_blow


Deep and fun game about programming http://www.zachtronics.com/tis-100/

I recommend to check out other games by Zachtronics as well.